Go Back | Main Menu | OD TOOLKIT | Sometimes feelings of inadequacy can be generated by an overactive line management. If the (middle)manager takes over, solves problems, smooths out problems and finds solutions the worker can get the symptoms of 'trained incompetence'. The situation in which the other (the manager) always knows and does better, may create heavy feelings of inadequacy. A complication is that often the manager tackles the problem better then the worker. Should the manager nevertheless be satisfied with a second best solution? Yes! The only remedy is to permit people to make their own mistakes. Don't think lightly about this. It requires a change of management style. Look at solution 1A: building or restoring organisational hygiene.
If this is not the case: Look at dynamic 2: traumatised organisations. Read management&leadership 3: a consulting style. Read management&leadership 4: HRM. Read management&leadership 6: empowerment through core qualities.