Go BackMain MenuOD TOOLKIT Before taking any action, compare the salaries paid by the organisation with those paid by GO's for comparable jobs. Some NGO's, once payment is possible, make the wrong salary decisions, paying the personnel salaries far exceeding those earned in GO's. Sometimes encouraged to do so by the donor. This policy is due to the tendency to compare payment with that of the representatives of the donor(countries), reinforced by the experience of internationally accepted fee for translation etc., which surpass by far the local standards. This overpayment has a lot of negative effects, even in the sphere of motivation of the overpaid group.

If this is the case the organisation should look for a serious reorientation on the rate of pay.

If salaries are more or less equal to what people with same formal education in comparable jobs get paid for in GO's, then the problem is different.

Look at dynamic 1: Mushrooming of NGO's in countries of former Yugoslavia. Look at dynamic 3: coming from socialism. Read: organisations 7: fundraising. Look at solution 3: back to the status of action group.