Go BackMain MenuOD TOOLKIT Tolerating insufficient output or incompetence is the ugly side of a horizontal organisation. Judging performance of colleagues is avoided and a veil is drawn over malfunctioning. But continuous malfunctioning may harm the organisation and the motivation of its workers. That is why a systematic evaluation has to be introduced, in which each one's performance is judged by objective standards and by earlier records. Such evaluations have to be followed by consequences directed to improvement: instruction, training, education and so on. In this the worker and the organisation bear both a part of the responsibility; the organisation for providing opportunities for improvement, the worker for realising the agreed targets of improvement. If a sequence of such judgements and the accompanying investments do not lead to progress, than a decision should be made: either placing the person in question elsewhere in the organisation, on a position more fitting the persons competences, or dismissal and help in finding another job.

Look at solution 1A: building or restoring organisational hygiene. Read organisations 4: evaluating and monitoring. Read management&leadership 4: HRM..