General knowledge on organisations
- Mintzberg on management. The Free Press, NY, 1989
(including also his older work on organisational structures like
Structure In Fives etc.)
- Moss Kanter: Changemasters, Unwin, London 1986.
- Senge: the fifth discipline, the art and practice of the
learning organisation. Doubleday, NY, 1990
Organisational culture
- Hofstede: Culture and organisations: software of the mind. Mc
Graw Hill, London, 1991.
- Schein: Organisational Culture and leadership. Jossey-Bass,
San Francisco, 1987
- Scott-Morgan: The unwritten rules of the game. McGraw Hill,
Londen, 1994
- Jacobs: Systems of survival. A dialogue on the moral
foundations of commerce and politics. Random House, 1992.
Strategic planning
- Johnson, Scholes: Exploring corporate strategy. Prentice Hall,
NY, 1993
- Mintzberg: Rise and fall of strategic planning. Prentice Hall,
NY, 1994
- Naisbitt, Aburdene: megatrends 2000
- Popcorn: Clicking, 16 trends to future fit our life, your work
and your business. Harper Collins, USA, 1996
- Porter: Competitive advantage. Free Press, NY, 1985
- Prahalad and Hamel: Competing for the future: breakthrough
strategies for seizing control of your industry and creating
markets for tomorrow. Harvard, 1994
Management and leadership
- Hersey, Blanchard: Management of organisational behaviour.
Prentice Hall, NJ, 8th ed.2002
- Kotter: A force for change. How leadership differs from
management. Free Press, NY, 1990
- Maister: Managing the professional service firm. Free Press,
NY, 1993.
- Quinn (R): Becoming a master manager (1998)
Gender and diversity in organisations.
- MacDonald, Sprenger, Dubel: Gender and organisational change.
Royal Tropic Institute, Amsterdam, 1997
- Moss Kanter: Men and women of the corporation. Basic books,
NY, 1977
NGO's and civil society
- "Citizens", strengthening global civil
society", brochure of Civicus,1994
- Cohen, Rogers: "Associations and Democracy", The
real Utopias Project. Verso, London, New York, 1995.
- Ibase: "Development, International Cooperation and
NGOs", IBASE, 1992
- Fowler: Striking a balance. Earthscan, London 2000.
- Theunis, Sjef: "Non-governmental Development
Organizations of Developing Countries, And the South
smiles...", Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, UNITAR, 1992.
- Wilson: Introduction to social movements, NY Basic Books,
- Kim Klein: Fundraising for social change. Jossey Bass, San
Francisco, 2000.
- Rosso: Achieving excellence in fundraising. Jossey Bass, San
Francisco, 1991.
- Mulder: Daily power game. Nijhof Social Sciences, Leiden, 1977