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Read: Action 1: Strategy: checklist

Your group wants something. To reach this you make use of a strategy. This checklist helps you to choose the right strategy and to prepare yourself.

1. Defining the action goal

2. Who is the decision maker?

3. Which strategy?


  1. The convince-strategy - arguments and content play the central role
  2. The exchange or win-win strategy - (mutual) interests form the starting point
  3. The pressure strategy - gathering power is the main feature.

The decision maker can be convinced if:

Are these conditions available or can you make them available:


If not: don't continue offering arguments, because they will have no effect so CHOOSE for the win-win or the pressure strategy.

3a. Preparation for the convince strategy:

Success factors

Hints for the process of convincing the other party:

3b. Preparation for the exchange or win-win strategy

In this strategy both parties reach their goals. Both parties benefit. The main question is: do we have something in stock or can we get something (material or immaterial) that is valuable for the other party. So valuable that he or she will make a deal, will meet our wishes, and at the same time reach his or her own goals?

Success factors:

Success is dependent on the willingness and capacities to reach the goals of both parties

Hints for a negotiation aimed at exchange or win-win

3c. Preparation for the pressure strategy

If 3a and 3B are not possible, organize pressure on the decision-maker:

Success factors:

The result of a successful pressure strategy can be:

  1. reaching your goal
  2. a meeting in which both parties threaten with using their gathered power (negotiation based on power, see below)
  3. a meeting in which both parties agree to find a solution in mutual benefit (exchange or win-win negotiation)

Hints for a negotiation based on power: