Read: civil society 1: A list of possible NGO contributions, deduced from practise and literature.
- operational work (service delivery) for specific consumer
or clients groups, often performed by CBO's (community based
organisations), that should be regularly performed or taken
over by GO's (education, health care, tackling poverty,
environmental care etc.).
Characteristics: the goal of the work, service delivery, is not
politically controversial. This type of work gradually becomes
merged with the next type:
- operational work (service delivery) for specific consumer
or clients groups, rather new work in terms of target groups or
service that on the long term should be added to the area of
regular GO tasks (secret shelter for battered women, work for
refugees, income generating projects).
Characteristics: the work is not yet and not everywhere
considered to be part of the mainstream, is sometimes politically
- organised self-help groups, exchange of experiences and
mutual assistance of people with comparable problems (women groups,
patient groups).
Characteristics: the help is directed inward, aiming at relief
of the members.
- work of pressure groups, aiming to improve the
interests of their grassroots (trade unions, patient organisations)
Characteristics: the goal is often a combination of issues
directly related to self interest and issues that cover a more
general political domain like participation.
- advocacy work, aiming to change the policy of the
government on certain issues (organisations within the anti war
movement or peace movement, human rights movement, anti child
labour groups, political feminist groups etc.)
Characteristics: the political character of the issue, the
action aspects of the work, the connection with people's movement
and the opponent role of the NGO.
This type of work does not essentially differ from the next
- advocacy work, aiming to change industries or firms on
certain issues (environmental groups, fair trading groups, caring
company groups)
Characteristics: the political character of the issue, the
action aspects of the work, the connection with social movements
and the opponent role of the NGO.
- mobilising work aiming to change the knowledge or
attitudes of the citizens (awareness raising work related to
attitudes towards ethnic differences, towards gay people, towards a
non-democratic government or towards environmental issues)
Characteristics: the political character of the issue, the
action aspects of the work and the opponent role of the NGO.
- political work, directly aimed to change the political
system towards more democracy, to mobilise people and to develop
the civil society (political organisations outside the political
Characteristics: the political character of the issue, the
action aspects of the work and the opponent role of the NGO.