Read: civil society 5: Reasons for a NGO to choose for contributing to civil society
- A NGO has to ask itself: why are we doing what we do. This may
lead to articulation of the structural and societal causes that
make its work necessary.
- Active participation in the civil society prevents being used
by other forces.
- The impact of a single NGO is far too small if the choice is
made only to fight the symptoms of a problem. Involving civil
society means involving a far greater power in the process of
problem solution.
- The freedom of space for civil society needs to be fought for.
NGO's should join in that fight.
- NGO's can take co-responsibility for the control of
internationally agreed issues, specially if agreements related to
the core business of the NGO. Holding your own government
Parliament should perform this task but often it often does not do so
without any pressure from the civil society.
- NGO's can enable their grassroots to use the existing law
system thus turning ascribed rights into acquired rights.
- Those who already have some power should be involved in
helping to settle things for others. 'How big is your world?'
- ....