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Read Extra 6: Examples of dynamic diagnoses

Dynamic approach: understanding what is happening in organisations by taking into account the dynamic underlying mechanisms, in order to be able to recommend sustainable solutions.

A consultant should always try to analyse a given problem or question of an organisation in terms of causing or feeding factors: why is it like it is.

Only if consultants really understand why organisations are like they are, only then they will be able to help the organisations to perform better.

Some examples.

1. Gender policy in the University Hospital.

A simple solution just won't work. The dynamics of this university clinic benefit the scientific development of the profession but prevents at the same time a full grown gender policy.

A solution that takes this dynamic into account is to find a connection between gender policy and the professional content of the work.

2. The organisation for rights of homosexuals.

A solution that takes this dynamics into account has to incorporate the actual attitude towards homosexuality in the external world into the internal solution itself.

3. The department of City Development.

A solution that takes into account this underlying dynamic has to face the truth. The truth will kill the needed energy to change the organisational culture. So no solution at this moment, we have to wait until the organisation will have been downsized.

4. The phone company

A solution taking into account this dynamics should cover not only the front-service but also the back-service and the internal policies.