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Read: management & leadership 7: Power

Based on the work of Mauk Mulder

Definition: to determine, direct or regulate to a certain degree the behaviour of others.


else is limited by the way the other lets you have this degree of influence and, of course, vice versa. Somebody else can have as much power (influence) on your behaviour as you let him/her have.

Bases of power:

  1. Power of position: having a certain position in the social system 'seduces' others to follow, to be susceptible to the wishes of others. Obeying because one should obey.
  2. Power of sanction: having the disposal of (positive and negative) sanctions: rewards and punishments in all sorts of forms (formal and informal, material and immaterial). The susceptibility of the receiver determines the effectivity of the sanction.
  3. Power of reference: someone who admires another person is likely to follow his or her habits, line of thinking, behaviour, language, expressions etc.. Happens mostly unconsciously (charisma, guru, idols).
  4. Power of influence elsewhere: having influence at the top or at the base of the organization, or having connections with persons or institutes outside the organization can lead to an enhancement of the power position within the organization.
  5. Power of expertise: being the expert (or the supposed expert) can be enough to be followed (even if the expertise only exists in the mind of the less powerful) follower.
  6. Power of experience: being the one with a lot of experience in a certain field
  7. Power to convince: the ability to convince others with arguments often in combination with reference and expertise power.
  8. Power of victims: by being 'helpless' or accusing the other of being cruel/unfair not to do what you want influencing the other (some people are very sensitive to this form and cannot 'resist' it and often it is not recognized as 'power').
  9. Power of identity: being rewarded or punished in a certain aspect of your being (you are a good mother, or you're not a real woman).
  10. Power of social categories: power based on dominance in society: class, ethnicity, gender sex, health, age etc.