Go BackMain MenuOD TOOLKIT Choosing a horizontal structure often means choosing against formal hierarchy. This can be a healthy process of liberation. But sometimes with hierarchy other structuring mechanisms are thrown away such as getting clear how decisions are taken, how tasks are divided and who takes responsibility for what. (Look at solution 1A: building or restoring organisational hygiene). If such agreements are not met and everyone wants a say in anything, this may indicate a lack of trust. Having faith is a prerequisite for delegating. The disadvantage of mistrustful horizontality is time consuming mutual control, causing a loss of energy and in the end  decomposing of the organisation. (Look solution 8: changing the organisational culture.)

Sometimes however, horizontal structure is just a cover for uncontrolled informal hierarchy.  In the name of democracy nobody has any influence except the informal leader and some chosen. Without clear power positions there will be no transparency, no accountability and no control of power. (Read management&leadership 7: power. Look at solution 1A: building or restoring organisational hygiene.)