�enska mre�a Hrvatske    

Women's Network Croatia

  The Feminist Legal Theories
I tend to agree with posmodern feminists that no single theory can account for all forms of oppression and experiences of different women. I also don't think that any legal strategy should be seen as the strategy that could be implied in every situation of gender discrimination and gender inequality. By Ivana Rada�i�
Word document
  Gender Sensitive Laws in Croatia
The basic legal documents for the protection of women's rights in Croatia are the Constitution, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) with its Optional Protocol, and the recently adopted Law on Gender Equality. Other relevant legal documents, which deal with a particular sphere of life, are: Family Law, Labour Law, Pension Insurance Law, Health Protection Law, Health Insurance Law, Penal Code, Social Security Law, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Misdemeanours, Law on the Protection from Domestic Violence, Law on Same-Sex Unions, etc. Also important are 5 UN human rights conventions (ICCPR and its Protocol, ICESCR, CERD, CRC, CAT and its Protocol), the European Convention on Human Rights and conventions in the area of labor rights of the International Labor Organization, which all prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex/gender, and to all of which Croatia is a state party. By Ivana Rada�i�
Word document




















Office: B. Viduli� 28, 51550 Mali Lo�inj, Croatia
Phone: (+385) (0)51 233 650 Fax: (+385) (0)51 233 567
e mail: koordinatorica@zenska-mreza.hr
Contact: Bojana Genov, coordinator
Cell phone: 385 98 215 858


About us

Civil society
� Civilno dru�tvo.hr, portal �iju je izradu potakla Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga dru�tva
March 21. 2006.

Bojana Genov


Moja maternica, moji jajnici ...

 Women's Network Croatia unites organizations, groups and initiatives that recognized discrimination against women who are often economically and politically marginalized; it opposes all sorts of gender discrimination.
Useful links

Report 2005
Report 2005

Podlo�ka za mi�a koja je naljutila Ljilju Voki�

Za ve�e u�e��e �ena na kandidacijskim listama
Ad hoc koalicija 1999.
�enska mre�a Hrvatske - Women's Network Croatia 2006.