�enska mre�a Hrvatske    

Women's Network Croatia


Code of Women's Network Croatia

Women's Network Croatia gathers organisations, groups and initiatives, which had recognised that women discriminated, economically, politically and by status marginalised.

Led by feminist principles, Croatian Women Network does not resign with patriarchal system and opposes to all the forms of gender discrimination.

Organisations, groups and initiatives wanting to get involved in Croatian Women Network have to act in accordance with accepted feminist principles and respect the following principles:

  • Admitting of basic women rights
  • Women solidarity
  • Anti-militarism
  • Non-discriminative approach based on gender, confession, nationality, age, sexual orientation, mental and physical differences
  • Admitting the right for a women to make decision of it�s own body and reproduction (the right on abortion and availability, available and most suitable contraception for female health, ex-uteri conception, children adoption regardless on their marital status and sexual orientation)
  • Developing ecological awareness
  • Developing regional and international cooperation with akin women feminist organisations
  • Active counteraction towards women violence





















Office: B. Viduli� 28, 51550 Mali Lo�inj, Croatia
Phone: (+385) (0)51 233 650 Fax: (+385) (0)51 233 567
e mail: koordinatorica@zenska-mreza.hr
Contact: Bojana Genov, coordinator
Cell phone: 385 98 215 858

About us

Civil society
� Civilno dru�tvo.hr, portal �iju je izradu potakla Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga dru�tva
March 27. 2006

Bojana Genov

Plakat za Dan �ena 2006.
Moja maternica, moji jajnici ...

 Women's Network Croatia unites organizations, groups and initiatives that recognized discrimination against women who are often economically and politically marginalized; it opposes all sorts of gender discrimination.
Useful links

Report 2005
Report 2005
Podlo�ka za mi�a koja je naljutila Ljilju Voki�
�enska izborna kvota
�enska mre�a Hrvatske - Women's Network Croatia 2006.