Political platform
Political Platform of Women's Network Croatia
In UN documents women are recognized as a political, economic and status minority, and Republic of Croatia, by signing the Convention of elimination all forms of female discrimination, did not only accepted to create a legal frame that guarantees gender equality, but to administer the measures for elimination of all forms of discrimination from routine and customs. Since there are 51 percent of women in whole population, we deem necessary for them to exit endless circle of political, economical and status minority and gain an equal place at entire social processes. Therefore Women�s Network Croatia as their primary goals of public intercession determines;
Women participation in politics and political decision making Since there are 51 percent of entire population and, when in opportunity, they deputize female interests far too better and therefore it is very important to have at least 30 percent of women at the places of decision-making. Therefore ... � we request:
Since employment of women and illegal labour increases due to the misevaluating of their work, women are forced to have more then one job, in spite their home, free-of-charge, jobs they conduct, by that, like the others, they contribute to the national economics ...
Respecting of specific problems women living on the country side, their contribution to the family income and, in accordance with that, valorisation of their unpaid work Active legislation which is protecting women from sexual blackmailing, intimidation, and sexual harassment. Social security Croatian sexual policy provides no quality answers for the actual crisis in the country. Unemployed women, single-mothers, women-farmers, women of third age and women with special needs do not enjoy welfare such they need. Working-able, though not employed, women social welfare is limited to, and women on the countryside de facto cannot even gain social protection. Therefore ... we request ...
Level of health protection decreases and, in accordance, shortage of prevention, expert examinations, hospitalisation and medicines are more often denied. Such a situation especially influences women, their work and private life. Following, first health services that Social Security Fund had stopped co financing are contraception and abortion which, due to that fact, commercialised, and are often unavailable. Since the women has the right to decide does she want or not, when and with whom to have children, contraception and abortion must be legal, safe, territorial and financial available to all the women. State policy and the Church advocate prohibition of these methods which is unacceptable pressure to gynaecologists and women themselves. Therefore ... ... we request
Prevention of women-violence Since the last war, there is an increasing number of violence upon women in this militant atmosphere. Counselling for women, one of many help-lines gets more then 260 calls a month. There are no legal protections in Croatia for women from domestic violence. The only shelter in Croatia faces uncertain financial future. Therefore ... ... we request:
Politics of equality and tolerance Society in its educational system particularly supports the picture of traditional gender roles and stereotypes of such kind. Even more, stereotyping of such male-female relationships receives a growing presence, and liberal sexual education has vanished form curriculum. At the same time, society tolerance descends and violence ascends. Therefore ... ... we request:
About us
Women's Network Croatia unites organizations, groups and initiatives that recognized discrimination against women who are often economically and politically marginalized; it opposes all sorts of gender discrimination. Useful links
�enska mre�a Hrvatske - Women's Network Croatia 2006.